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Juvenile Justice and Delinquency

Mission Statement:

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Section (JJDS) of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) brings together academy members with a particular interest in juvenile justice and delinquency. Our goals are:

1. To facilitate and encourage research and theoretical development related to these interests;

2. To promote communication between academics and practitioners in regard to research and theory; and,

3. To encourage organization of conference sessions related to juvenile justice and delinquency.

The Section website and email list-serv is our clearinghouse for exchanges of ideas among faculty, practitioners, and agency members. Together we shape the industry, assist one another with the latest research data, news and information, as well as career opportunities and mentoring.  Additionally as a member of the Section, you have the opportunity to participate in elections and/or seek Office to serve on the Section Executive Board.  We are also working to update our Section newsletter, where members can submit materials for inclusion in the circular; click here to view the Spring 2022 Issue the Newsletter.  Plus, members are invited to attend our annual reception hosted by the Section during the time of the ACJS Annual Meeting. The Section-sponsored reception has been extremely popular throughout the years and provides additional opportunities to network and make friends within the discipline. For many, networking with other professionals in the field has become invaluable.

For questions or comments about the Section or this webpage, please email Robin Jackson,