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National Criminal Justice Month

In 2009 the United States Congress established March as National Criminal Justice Month.

The purpose of National Criminal Justice Month (NCJM) is to promote societal awareness regarding the causes and consequences of crime, as well as strategies for preventing and responding to crime.

The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences and its affiliates, along with the United States Government urge policymakers, criminal justice officials, educators, victim service providers, nonprofits, community leaders, and others to help direct public focus toward the need to make our criminal justice system as effective as possible. Awareness is the first step toward improvement. Please do your part to spread recognition and consideration of criminal justice practices at both the national and international levels by recognizing and promoting March as National Criminal Justice Month.

A recent online article provides insight into the importance of recognizing National Criminal Justice Month - ACJS Executive Board Member and liaison for NCJM, Dr. Cassandra Reyes was interviewed and shares her insights on the need for recognizing National Criminal Justice Month.

The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences’ National Criminal Justice Month Committee gives an award each year in recognition of National Criminal Justice Month events. A plaque is awarded to academic departments, schools, colleges, and/or universities for National Criminal Justice Month celebrations that focus on education and community engagement, as well as an overall program of the year award.

En 2009, el Congreso de los Estados Unidos estableció el mes de marzo, como el Mes Nacional de Justicia Criminal.

El propósito del Mes Nacional de Justicia Criminal es promover la concienciación social sobre las causas y consecuencias del delito, así como las estrategias para prevenir y respuesta al delito.

La Academia de Ciencias de la Justicia Criminal y sus afiliadas, junto con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, reclaman a los legisladores, funcionarios del sistema de justicia criminal, educadores, proveedores de servicios para víctimas, organizaciones sin fines de lucro, líderes comunitarios y otros, ayudar a dirigir el enfoque público hacia la necesidad de hacer que nuestro sistema de justicia criminal sea lo más eficaz posible. La concienciación es el primer paso para mejorar. Por favor, haga su parte en difundir el reconocimiento y la consideración de las prácticas del sistema de justicia criminal a nivel nacional e internacional reconociendo y promocionando marzo como el Mes Nacional de la Justicia Criminal.

Un artículo en línea reciente brinda información sobre la importancia de reconocer el Mes Nacional de Justicia Criminal La Dra. Cassandra Reyes, miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva de ACJS y enlace para NCJM, fue entrevistada y comparte sus ideas sobre la necesidad de reconocer el Mes Nacional de Justicia Criminal.


El Comité del Mes Nacional de la Justicia Criminal de la Academia de Ciencias de Justicia Criminal otorga un premio cada año en reconocimiento a los eventos del Mes Nacional de Justicia Criminal. Se otorgará una placa a los departamentos académicos, escuelas, colegios y / o universidades para las celebraciones del Mes Nacional de Justicia Criminal que se centran en la educación y la participación de la comunidad, así como un programa general del año.

Please use the following information and resources to learn more about National Criminal Justice Month and to promote awareness in your area or organization:

National Criminal Justice Month Flyer

History of National Criminal Justice Month (in English and Spanish)

National Criminal Justice Month Sample Press Release

Award Winners


Education Award: University of Nebraska Omaha, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Community Engagement Award: Penn State Harrisburg, Criminal Justice Program
Programs of the Year Award: Seton Hill University, Criminal Justice Program and University of South Florida, Department of Criminology

Education Award: University of Texas at Tyler
Community Engagement Award: Coppin State University
Program of the Year Award: St. Francis University

Education Award: Monmouth University
Community Engagement Award: John Jay College
Program of the Year Award: University of Central Florida

Education Award: Our Lady of the Lake University

Education Award: University of the Incarnate Word
Community Engagement Award: Center for Correctional Solutions at Arizona State University
Program of the Year Award: Borough of Manhattan Community College